Successful Cases
Notable Cases:
In re Wells County FSA: Producer was penalized over 1 million dollars
for a converted wetland and planting violation.
Was able to effectively prove that producer did not convert the wetland
and also that planting violations should be consolidated. Outcome was producer’s penalty was reduced to
roughly $2,400.00.
In re Steuben County FSA: Producer was penalized over $80,000 and not
eligible for USDA program benefits for wetland conversion. Was able to effectively prove that the
violation was due to a third party. The
penalties for the producer were removed and producer regained program
Belork v. Latimer: Case regarding the Indiana Fence Law. Trial Court struck down the longstanding
Indiana fence law application. Was
successfully able to get the matter overturned by the Indiana Court of Appeals.
Re SA Farms: Farm Service Agency denied various programs
to producer. Was able to prove that
producer should not have been denied and successfully had producer’s program
benefits restored.
v. Great American: Producer had crop
insurance denied based upon alleged issues with his planter. Was able to successfully prove that crop
losses were not planter related, but rather weather related.
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